Sustainable Events: Are you hopeful for 2030?

Uncategorized Oct 18, 2021

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting up with these leaders in events and sustainability to talk through where we're at, where we've come from and what's on the horizon.

Over the next week, every day I'll post some of the gold!

We talk bad habits, research, professional development, supply chain and career opportunities. First up we discussed being hopeful for 2030.

I'm joined by Jill Savery, Shawna McKinley and Suzanne Morrell.

You mightn't know it but Jill is co-author of the book 'Sustainability and Sport'. She's also an ex-Olympian, was deeply immersed in all things sustainability at London 2020 Olympics, and has made her mark on sustainability and sailing. I get to work with Jill every week and it's just so great!


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