Event GHG Calculators - Side By Side Comparison

We know we can’t manage without measuring, and the past few years have seen a flourish of resources to help events measure their GHGs.

I thought it was time for a round-up of GHG calculators, tools and services, to check in on where the tools are aligned, and highlight the different approaches that might suit your type of event.

With all the new tools being built, we’re also seeing an equal number of interpretations and approaches to measurement, which makes things a bit confusing.

I reviewed nearly forty GHG tools, calculators and apps being marketed for events. After a lot of meetings and trials I whittled this down to fifteen calculators or services created specifically for events, and another swathe of attendee, sector or topic specific calculators.

The TLDR if you're short on time

Get the side-by-side comparison here

Find the Tools

Most of the links in this review click through to a deeper review held on my suppler database suppliers.greeneventbook.com. From there you can click through to the tools. We don't take any sales commission or referral fees from the organisations. 

Want to Learn All about It?

Our course Climate Positive Events will help you to understand GHG measurement and offers lots of useful extra resources too, to get you a good foundation before you start.

Get the side-by-side comparison here


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